New Self-Access Journal SiSAL debuts on web

2 07 2010

Read the first issue of SiSAL, Self-Access Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, a new peer-reviewed, quarterly, online journal. SiSAL (ISSN 2185-3762) features articles, summaries, perspectives, works in progress and reports related to self-access learning and out-of-class support for students.

SiSAL started life as a modest project at Kanda University of International Studies, but due to expressed interest from colleagues in the field, SiSAL is being launched as an international publication. The first issue (full text) can viewed at

The editorial team is now accepting submissions for upcoming issues. The September issue will have the theme of “materials and activities” and the December issue will have the theme “motivation and beliefs”. Visit the website for more details.



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