16 new lecturers join the ELI

18 04 2011

At the start of April, sixteen new lecturers joined the ELI at Kanda University. The group consists of fifteen teachers and one learning advisor. They hail from the United States, Great Britain, Australia, or New Zealand with a variety of education and research experience. For example, Tam Roman, from Pennsylvania in the US, has taught in a wide variety of contexts from high school students in Hyogo as a JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme) to Chilean park rangers.

The new lecturers are eager to contribute to the body of research produced at the ELI. Alex Worth, from Brighton in the UK, looks forward to “investigating the Dogme Theoretical Approach and interpersonal relationships and how they influence learner outcomes.”

Thinking about what she would like to accomplish at the ELI, Liz Lammons, a new learning advisor from New Jersey in the US says, “I’d like to have a positive impact on colleagues and students…to inspire them to a lifetime of learning.”

From left: Liz Lammons, Tam Roman, and Alex Worth



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