Conference at KUIS: Paperless: Innovation & technology in education

17 01 2014

Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS), in conjunction with the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE), is proud to host Paperless: Innovation and technology in education, on February 1st 2014.

Paperless learning is not simply about saving trees, it is about bringing new mediums and perspectives to education, using technology to enrich pedagogic practice. This one-day conference will focus on all technology platforms, and aims to showcase innovative ways educators are flipping, enhancing and revolutionising both learning and teaching.

For more details see the website:

Guest Lecture: Autonomous approaches to literature and film in the light of new literacies, technologies and culture(s)

2 10 2012

The ELI will be hosting a guest lecture by Christian Ludwig of University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Don’t miss it!

Title: Autonomous approaches to literature and film in the light of new literacies, technologies and culture(s)

Date: Wednesday 10th October, 2012

Time: 5pm

Room: Presentation Room (Building 6)


This talk will deal with the multifaceted role that literature can play in the foreign language classroom at all levels. We will analyse various literary works that present a multi-cultural society and that allow an opening towards the global world, and a new diversity and pluralism in English-speaking countries. There will be both general and more specific discussions of the role of literature in inter-and transcultural learning as well as various (autonomous) approaches to dealing with literature.

About the presenter

Christian Ludwig is a lecturer in the field of Applied Linguistics and EFL Methodology at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He holds a teaching qualification for Spanish, English and German and is currently pursuing a further teaching qualification for higher education. His research interests include language learner autonomy, literature in inter- and transcultural learning and language acquisition by using graphic fiction. He is an active member of the IATEFL Learner Autonomy SIG and the German Association of Applied Linguistics.


ELI organizes first KUIS presentation contest

5 01 2012

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The ELI hosted its first presentation contest at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan last month on December 17, 2011. Students at the university competed for two top prizes of ¥ 300,000, applicable to a study or volunteer abroad program of their choice.

The competition asked students what aspects of Japanese culture they were proud of and how they could best represent Japan abroad. Over 30 first and second year students created presentations on this theme.

In the morning, students competed in individual and group categories, and were scored by ELI teachers. The top four scores in each category battled each other in a final afternoon round.

The afternoon round included presentations on Japanese festivals, culture, food, and personal experiences abroad. A panel of three judges scored each and asked follow-up questions specific to their talks. Adam Chapin, one of the judges, commented, “I was impressed with the students’ English abilities, presentation skills, and enthusiasm. Every student who participated is a winner in my eyes and I encourage them all to keep up the good work.”

Yohei Koyama’s presentation on the influence of Japanese education won top marks in the individual category. “I plan on using the prize money on volunteering abroad as a part of the Habitat for Humanity organization and will be going to Nepal to build a house this March,” said the winner. Group category winners Eriko Adachi, Haruka Matsuzaki, and Kaori Tsubaki shared personal stories to discuss what it meant to be Japanese for them, and how these positive aspects of their culture can be shared abroad. They plan on using their winnings to travel in Asia.

Executives from the Daily Yomiuri newspaper, Kanda board members, ELI lecturers and many student supporters attended the afternoon session located in the Crystal Hall of the Multilingual communication center (MULC). Jaclyn Pitts, ELI lecturer and main organizer of the event, said, “Everyone was impressed with the presentations and it was nice to see all of the students so excited. Even though it was only our first time doing the contest, we had many students participate and the quality of their presentations was great.”

In addition to the top prize, second place students won tickets to Disneyland, while third place winners earned iTunes gift cards. ELI Director Dr. Michael Torpey explained, “Chairman Sano was interested in enhancing Kanda’s reputation as a university known for producing students who can use the language confidently. The presentation contest emerged as one way to showcase this aspect not only to the KUIS community but additionally to the outside public - such as the Daily Yomiuri visitors.”

SILC event: Public Lecture by Greg Sholdt

30 11 2011

The following event is at an ELI partner institution, the SILC in Kumamoto, Japan:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 18:00-19:30

Professional Development through Collaborative Research- A Writing Fluency Project

Sojo International Learning Center (SILC)

Sojo University

Kumamoto, Japan

〒860-0082 熊本県熊本市池田4丁目22−1

Free to the public

Making the transition from teacher to teacher researcher can result in a range of classroom and career benefits; however, getting started in classroom-based research can be a bewildering endeavor when undertaken alone. In this presentation, I will introduce a unique project that aims to provide an opportunity for language teachers to independently replicate a quantitative research study on writing fluency in their own classrooms and do so concurrently with a team of other teacher researchers connected through an online discussion forum and resource center built with the popular Moodle platform. Teachers who join the project will discuss issues, raise questions, and share ideas about the research process while making use of online resources and receiving guidance through each step of the research process. The goals for the teachers include developing skills and knowledge in fundamentals of quantitative research, connecting with a community of EFL teacher researchers, producing a manuscript with potential for publication, and gaining experience with Moodle. I will provide an overview of the project, describe the structure and function of the Moodle site, and explain potential benefits and applications for this approach to professional development. The project will begin next January with data collection taking place in the Spring 2012 semester. Interested teachers will have the opportunity to ask questions and sign up after the presentation.

Gregory Sholdt teaches in the School of Languages and Communication at Kobe University. His interests include teacher development, classroom-based research methods, English for academic purposes, and fluency instruction. Based on his graduate studies and teaching of introductory statistics courses at the University of Hawaii, he has been exploring innovative approaches to professional development through classroom-based research. He has developed and given a number of professional development workshops and presentations throughout Japan, and created an online research methods course in 2009 for language teachers through MASH Collaboration. He currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for the JALT Journal.

For additional information about the talk, or if you would like to be included in the reservation for a post-lecture dinner, contact Chris Stillwell:

[email protected]

SILC Contact number (December 7 only): 096 326-3850

IATEFL Conference at KUIS: Advising for Language Learner Autonomy

7 11 2011

Saturday November 12th (self-access tours available on Friday November 11th)

We look forward to welcoming visitors to KUIS this weekend for the IATEFL conference being hosted here. For more details, please see the event website








At the SILC: Public Lecture by Dr. Rod Ellis, University of Auckland

29 09 2011

Dr. Rod Ellis, University of Auckland, will speak at the Sojo International Learning Center (SILC) on Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 18:00-19:15. Please note that this event will be held at Sojo University Kumamoto, Japan and not on the Chiba campus of Kanda University. The SILC is a project of the ELI’s External Language Consultancy Center (ELCC).

Public Lecture by Dr. Rod Ellis, University of Auckland

Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 18:00-19:15

Focusing on Form in the Communicative Classroom

Sojo International Learning Center (SILC)
Sojo University
Kumamoto, Japan
〒860-0082 熊本県熊本市池田4丁目22−1
Free to the public

Current theories of second language acquisition emphasise the importance of learners’ attending consciously to form. Similarly, current discussions of communicative language pedagogy stress the need for classroom language learners to focus on form as well as meaning. The study reported in this talk is intended to contribute to both theory and practice. It examines the different ways in which teachers and students achieve a ‘focus-on-form’ (i.e. attend to linguistic form in the context of activity that is primarily message-oriented). Based on an analysis of 12 hours of teaching English in a private language school, a coding system is developed to account for the general characteristics of ‘focus-on-form episodes’ (FFEs). The system is then used to provide an account of focus-on-form in the classrooms studied, revealing that nearly half of the total FFEs were proactive rather than reactive and that more than half involved negotiating form rather than negotiating meaning (i.e. they were not triggered by any communicative problem). The paper concludes with some ideas for future research.

Professor Rod Ellis is the deputy head of the Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. In addition, he is a Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor at Shanghai International Studies University, and also a TESOL Professor and Chair of the Graduate School of Education at Anaheim University, where he teaches various online courses in the Master of Arts in TESOL. He has also taught in positions in Zambia, the UK, and at Temple University in Japan and the US. He is currently editor of the journal Language Teaching Research, and is also a senior advisor to the Asian EFL Journal.

Ellis received a Master of Arts from the University of Leeds, a Master of Education from the University of Bristol, and a doctorate from the University of London. He is a leading theorist of task-based language learning, and has published two books and more than a dozen articles on the subject. Since 1980, he has authored more than 30 books and 100 articles on second language acquisition.

His research interests include: Second language acquisition, individual learner differences, form-focussed instruction, teacher education, course design and methodology of language teaching.

For additional information about the talk, or if you would like to be included in the reservation for a post-lecture dinner, contact Chris Stillwell:

[email protected]

Contact number (October 12 only): 096 326-3850

Advising for language learner autonomy conference to be held at Kanda University

1 03 2011

A one day conference on “Advising for language learner autonomy” will be held at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan on 12th November, 2011. Kanda University and the IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group (LASIG) are hosting the conference. This event has also been organized in collaboration with the Japan Association for Self-access Learning (JASAL), Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages (KIFL) and the JALT Learner Development SIG.

The conference targets educators from learning advisors to language teachers concerned with fostering learner autonomy. According to the conference website, “The event theme also covers peer advising with a particular focus on the way in which peer advising fosters learner autonomy.” Dr. Marina Mozzon-McPherson, of University of Hull in UK, will deliver the keynote address. Several presentations on a variety of advising and langauge learning topics will also be featured. The deadline for proposals is June 30, 2011. For registration details click here.