Conference at KUIS: Paperless: Innovation & technology in education

17 01 2014

Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS), in conjunction with the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE), is proud to host Paperless: Innovation and technology in education, on February 1st 2014.

Paperless learning is not simply about saving trees, it is about bringing new mediums and perspectives to education, using technology to enrich pedagogic practice. This one-day conference will focus on all technology platforms, and aims to showcase innovative ways educators are flipping, enhancing and revolutionising both learning and teaching.

For more details see the website:

The ELI evaluates iPads and English language education

20 02 2013

The ELI has been pioneering the use of iPads in its EFL classes since the release of the first unit in 2010. Several pilot research projects have gauged the potential of iPads in the learning environment here. Projects headed by members of the Basic English Proficiency Project (BEPP) and the CALL Research Groups have investigated the potential impact of these tablet computers on language education. For instance, one project looked at the impact on the existing infrastructure. Another tested the media production capability of the iPad. Last month, one of the projects, “The Integration of iPads at a Japanese university,” was published in the December 2012 issue of The JALT CALL Journal. Marnie Brown, ELI lecturer and one of the authors of the study commented, “I think iPads in education is the way forward.” The following is a video of Brown talking about everything iPad. Based on this previous research, starting in April 2013, the ELI will significantly expand the use of iPads in its curriculum.

Published: Blended learning spaces: synchronous blending

7 11 2011

ELI lecturers Lara Promnitz-Hayashi, Daniel Jenks, Joe Geluso, Joachim Castellano and former lecturers Dirk MacKenzie and Roman Delgado, have published an article in the April 2011 issue of JALTCALL Journal. Publication details are as follows:

MacKenzie, D., Promnitz-Hayashi, L., Jenks, D., Geluso, J., Delgado, R., & Castellano, J., & Hinkleman, D. (2011). Blended learning spaces: Synchronous Blending. JALTCALL Journal 7(1), 43-60.

Discussions of blended learning (BL) have generally failed to account for the synchronous combination of computer-mediated and face-to-face interactions that can occur within a blended learning space (BLS). This paper provides an overview of BLS use by a department of 51 teachers at a Japanese university specializing in foreign language learning. Data was collected via a teacher questionnaire (n=38, response rate=75%) and follow-up interviews. Compared to non-BLS lessons, BLS lessons had different lesson goals, different patterns of interaction, different types of homework, more variety of media, and more variety of input and output. BLS lessons also showed signs of increased learner autonomy and motivation.

Published: Editorial in SiSAL special issue on CALL, E-learning and M-learning

10 10 2011

ELI Assistant Director Jo Mynard has published an article in the September 2011 SiSAL journal. Here is the following publication information:

Mynard, J. (2011). Editorial. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 2(3), 100-106.

Editorial - Special Issue on CALL, E-learning and M-learning

Technology has, in one form of another, been a part of self-access learning since the very first self-access centres (SACs) of the 1980s. Some of the better-funded centres featured elaborate listening and recording machinery and (occasionally) early personal computers. Early software programmes and language-learning websites available for self-access use tended to be aimed at individual study, initially following the language lab model, and were often designed to teach or test discrete language points. Of course, in 2011 programmes aimed at individual study do still exist and certainly have a place in self-access learning, particularly if a learner has identified a target language area that the software or website covers. However, in this special issue we go beyond language learning software and look at tools and technologies currently available to the learner as self-access resources.